Monday, November 24, 2008

more pics

This is one of my favourites....round n cute....

plus he is smiling.

Him on the bed while mummy's trying to read. Yes, the hair is uber short now. I keep asking "A" if he enjoys going to bed with another guy. Muahahahaha.....

He seems to have many pics of him crying. Boo hoo hoo.....cry baby.

Going out once more. Happy happy. He loves to go out. He knows once he is in his car seat that we are heading out and he gets super chuckly.


More pics of him ......sleeping as usual. So cutsie...

Look at the chicken thigh!! Drumstick lookalike.

Sleeping with abandonement.

Whose little cutie toes.... I seriously have a foot fetish. Look at his grapie toes.....heez..

Sitting up on the sofa...tough feat for him still.

Friday, November 21, 2008

some thoughts

If anyone is wondering why there doesn't seem to be any interesting posts on this page is cause I can't find the time nor energy to blog. I can hardly hear myself think sometimes. So don't expect any interesting conversation topics. Baby Mathias is more important now which means I hardly come online to look see look see. Even if I wanna jot down something, I don't have the time. Ahahahaha.....

Naturally there are tons of things I am thinking about and such. About the entire journey. From being a single to being a mother. How I found the pregnancy stage, the giving birth stage, the confinement month, the everyday handling of baby. Each has its difficulty and each has its own little haven of paradise. Whichever I am feeling at watever point are memories for me to keep and relive in the future. Its been good and I am happy so far. Of course that doesn't mean that I do not experience bad days. I do but the good days outnumber the bad ones I suppose and Mathias really is a bundle of joy. ;-)

He is lying behind me as I type this post. Looking at his raised left hand and making little sounds. He might be a left hander as he really seems to be favouring that hand compared to his right hand. There is a possibility as my uncle and grandma are both left handers...will see yeah. He loves talking non stop especially when after his milk. He becomes super talkative. Heheheh......

Will have to end off soon as I need to go exercise his little neck and I hear him making unhappy noises too....

Some pics before I go.......

yes, that hand brace is useless. Anyways there's nothing wrong with his thumb. He is fine so says the Padietrician. Dumbass Physio. He hates the brace and it doesn't keep his thumb in place so there..... I just kept pushing his thumb out till its fine now. Crampy in my tummy la like I always say.

Sleeping so sweetly.......

Lying him on his front to shape his head and stretch his neck.

Someone is poo pooing.........Look at the concentration on his face...hehe.....

Dada and baby lying side by side. He is being anal la....hehe...... disturbing his sonny boy.

Someone dirtied his shirt.. while poo pooing ....don't ask me lifting his legs while pooing and peeing.......watever........ a naked Mathias....hehe...Look at his little tummy...wahahahaha.......

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Its been a long while since I last posted online. Been busy with Mathias and playing my PSP. He is growing well. Over 7 kg already. Got sick a couple of weeks ago too. First was vomiting then the running nose. All's good now. Just some leftover phlegm. He is so cute. Am enjoying my time with him although it can get pretty tiring. Especially when he gets sick. I'll have to sit up almost all night with him as he would have trouble sleeping. ;-) Something every parent have to do.

He is already in his 4th month. Things are falling into a similar pattern each day. Getting used to it.

Oh for those of you who wonder, yes I am not working already. I want to be here full time for Mathias. The years are going to fly by before I know it so therefore I wanna make full use of the time to bond with him and give him my undivided attention. Being here with him is more important as most children with a parent at home with them tend to be better behaved and smarter too. Hehe....

Anyways, will post up his pictures soon. ;-)