Saturday, June 28, 2008

The real thing

It has started. I woke to a slight pain on the left of my uterus. Didn't know what was causing it so I went back to sleep. Woke up again at 8plus and found fresh bleeding. Was a little worried so we gave my doctor a call to check if there is a need to get into hospital as it was most probably the show. He said to come in only if the pain is unbearable. But at that point I was not getting any contractions or pain. So we decided to go on with our plans for the day. Had to go down to HDB to sign our lease for our flat and anyways we were heading down to Chinatown for dim sum at Hong Xin. All was normal.

Next the mucus plug started to make its appearance. This happened in the afternoon. So I guess we were on the right track. Had an appointment with my doctor in the evening so we went down to see what he would do next. He checked and found that I was half to a centremetre dilated. But at that point I still didn't feel any pain. ???? He decided to put me on a heart tracer to see if baby was ok. If he was ok, we would induce on Sunday if not we could induce now. Turns out I was having mild contractions and pain but non that I could feel. Baby was going strong so my doctor decided that we could wait till Sunday unless I started getting serious contractions.

Went home. Went to bed as per normal but woke at 4plus in the morning to contractions. I timed them and realised that they came in 5 or 10 mins interval. Pretty ok contractions. Decided to cook something to eat and took a bath in case I needed to go down to the hospital. "A" mum woke up too and said I should go soon in case it gets bad fast. So once more we headed to the hospital. This time we headed directly for the delivery ward. They decided to check my progress and found that I was 2cm dilated and getting pretty consistent contractions. Went down to speak to my doctor. He asked if I wanted to ward myself now and wait for my dilation to reach 3cm before he breaks my waterbag or would I prefer to go home and wait. I decided to go home as I thought it would be more comfortable.

Man this was getting tiring.... Got home and took a nap but didn't manage to sleep that well as the contractions started getting stronger but still 5 or 10 mins apart. Still the same till now. Am still waiting......

I guess if it doesn't get any stronger and 2 mins interval between each contraction I would only go in at 9am as advised by my doctor tomorrow. Then I guess he will induce me bah. Was hoping to avoid that. Wanted it to be as natural as possible. But I must say this contstant pain is really getting to me. Its getting stronger slowly so yea....hope I can rest a little later. Need all the strength I can get for the 2nd part of labour after it has dilated till 10cm. Pushing will take another 1 or 2 hours depending on how well I push. Help me!!!!


At 2:15 PM , Blogger Cª+he®iNe said...

Dear Mommy Penelope & Daddy 'A',


Received ur good news this morning.
Unfortunately, i can't pop by to visit at the hospital coz i'm working..

Show us baby Mathias' pixies soon!



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